Wrap star.

How to wear a gingham wrap dress, Boohoo | www.itscohen.co.uk
Bohoo gingham wrap dress | www.itscohen.co.uk
Manchester fashion bloggers | www.itscohen.co.uk
Public Desire studded ankle boots | www.itscohen.co.uk

Layering Gingham Wrap Dresses

This outfit has a lot going on. We're talking ruffles, a tie waist, studs, gingham, even a coffee cup from Foundation (although that's not really the fundamental part of the outfit, just a fundamental part of my day). The guys at boohoo popped a surprise dress in the post, so when I unwrapped it and saw something I probably wouldn't purchase from an ecom shot, I thought this was the perfect opportunity to work out how to wear gingham wrap dresses my way. It's really bloody short (for reference, I'm 5'4" and there's no way I could wear this without something on my lower half, so tall ladies probs ought to steer clear), so unearthed an old pair of black skinnies when I went home to Essex to layer underneath as a decency saving exercise. Add in my new current obsession (white boots, who knew?), and you've got yourself an extra monochrome outfit.

Other than the outfit, I've also got a lot going on IRL. And I'm not talking about how many episodes of Gossip Girl I've been binge watching in the last month, although it is quite impressive. I'm moving house and starting a new job on Monday. My stress levels are through the roof so apologies to anyone who's seen me in the last month, 'cause I've either been short-tempered or drunk (everyone has their own coping mechanisms, right?). They say those are two of the most stressful things you can do, so talking from experience I would definitely advise against doing both of them within four days of each other. But everything's starting to sort themselves out and, fingers crossed, things will all come up Cohen by the end of the year - we can hope!

What I'm Wearing.

Gingham wrap dress: c/o Boohoo. Oasis cropped jeans. Public Desire studded boots (sold out, similar here). Urban Outfitters bag.

What's on Insta.

A post shared by Rebecca 😈 (@rebeccacohen_) on

I didn't forget, I swear.

Manchester fashion blogger | www.itscohen.co.uk
Manchester city centre photos | www.itscohen.co.uk
Manchester northern quarter graffiti | www.itscohen.co.uk
Oasis skinny jeans | www.itscohen.co.uk
Foundation coffee northern quarter | www.itscohen.co.uk
Manchester fashion bloggers | www.itscohen.co.uk
Primark blue leather jacket | www.itscohen.co.uk

Throwback Sunday

You know that friend you meet up with and you sit there trying to work out how long it's been since you last saw them, and then you get that guilty "oh crap, it was a lot longer ago that I thought" moment? Well, I'd like to introduce you to some photos from mid-May, which I will gloriously throwback with just a mere five months later. Whoops.

In all honesty, not that much has changed since, other than I wear a lot more bronzer because I look a lot like death in these photos. I also had to throw these jeans away as unfortunately skinny jeans and Laura's mini cooper do not a good match make. Otherwise, the last five months have been spent in equal amounts going to the gym and eating cheese, and having your standard mid-twenties crisis. You only need to scroll through Refinery29 for 10 minutes to find out that you're "not alone" and you're "doing just fine", but that's never going to stop a lil bit of doubt creeping in every once in a while. It's been a hard few months for me, with a lot going on. But, and here is your cheesy morale alert, there really is just something in paying attention to the little things and focusing on small bits that will see you through. Namely, not long until we can start talking about pigs in blankets - hurrah!

With all that in mind, this weekend is being spent with family, taking some much needed time out and heading back to Essex with white boots instead of white stilettos in my weekend bag. Might even burn a basic pumpkin scented candle, who know how crazy things will get?

What I Wore.

Primark leather jacket: £10. Arctic Monkeys top: £20. Oasis skinny jeans. Claudie Pierlot chelsea boots. Marks and Spencer bag: £43. Urban Outfitters sunglasses.

Where I went.


A really, really good food day.

Rooi Kate Spade | It's Cohen Blog
Menagerie Afternoon Tea | It's Cohen Blog
Alabama's Manchester NQ | It's Cohen Blog
Manchester fashion blog | It's Cohen Blog
Menagerie Manchester sushi | It's Cohen Blog
Kate Spade clear umbrella from Rooi | It's Cohen Blog
Kate Spade eyes umbrella | It's Cohen Blog
Menagerie Manchester Afternoon Tea | It's Cohen Blog
Manchester Fashion Blogger | It's Cohen Blog

Alabama's Brunch and Menagerie Afternoon Tea

I'm normally really organised when it comes to sorting out my social life. I like having everything in my calendar, because otherwise there's literally zero chance of me turning up (thanks to the constant chaos happening inside my head). According to aforementioned calendar, this post should be called "a really, really good food weekend" but, you guessed it, I clearly cocked up and ended up ubering from one side of Manchester to the other, but... that's another story.

I met up with Tori from @unfoldtheday for brunch at Alabama's in the Nothern Quarter early on Saturday. We'd arranged to go there as somewhere neither of us had visited before, and we managed to be one of the few people who nabbed a table immediately (hint: go pre-10am). I went for bannoffee french toast (yep) and Tori opted for eggs benedict. Even though I went for the "small" size of three slices, don't think you're getting a health meal as I was full to the brim and could quite happily have napped it away on the leather sofas. However, instead we headed to the Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art and mooched for a while out of the rain.

Next I met my uni pal Georgia for lunch at El Capo. No photos. El Capo and I are a friendship based on margaritas (this trip was no different), and we were halfway through a bottle of wine when I got a text from Clare saying they'd just been seated in Menagerie, so to just call when I was there. Apparently, Sunday was actually Saturday, so I headed off in search of something bubbly.

Afternoon tea at Menagerie is an event. A very long, very good event. Laura, Clare and I started with champagne (as all good stories start), and went through the courses of sandwiches, cakes and then scones, as well as them letting us try some sushi, which is always a welcome addition. I'd seen it on everyone's instagram prior to entering so I knew exactly what to expect from the venue, but it's true that Menagerie is beautiful, and you need to go if you're a fan of opulent interiors that give Manchester a good name.

We then went to Gaslight, but probably the less said about that the better.

For this odd but beautiful mix, I wore an outfit of ol' faithfuls. These & Other Stories kick flares have definitely earned their place in my wardrobe, and thankfully the guys over at Rooi had popped a Kate Spade umbrella in the post so I wasn't too soggy by the end of the day.

If you've got any more Manchester food recommendations, I'm more than happy to do a service to all and go try it out. Challenge, accepted.

What I Wore

Kate Spade umbrella: c/o Rooi. Laura Ashley trench coat. Oasis turtleneck top. And Other Stories jeans. Zara silver boots. Urban Outfitters bag.
Photos by Tori.

What's on Insta

A post shared by Rebecca 😈 (@rebeccacohen_) on

Life Lately: Turning 25, Turning 2017 and Turning a New Leaf.

Quarter of a Century

Well, somehow I've made it 25 years without ending things a bit prematurely despite a couple of tequila-related close calls, so I guess some congratulations are in order. Late last year I hit the big two-five. No massive fireworks, no attention seeking spectacle (I hope), but a nice embarrassing round of happy birthdays from the guys at work, a card and present and a few cards in the post.

Our pal earth also had a birthday - tenuous link alert - and we hit 2017. Other than starting it with a stinking cold, the new year's got off to a pretty productive start and it looks like things are gonna be on the up with a couple of trips planned in and some preeeetty big life moments about to happen. 17's always been a favourite of mine, so I've got a good feeling about this one.

And while this has all been happening, I've neglected this little blog. Since starting it way back when in 2010, this online journal of sorts has covered my knobby phase, my I-listen-to-the-Smiths phase, my fuck-it-let's-move-abroad phase and my everything's-just-getting-too-much phase (or phases, let's be honest). But it looks like in my things-are-going-to-be-just-fine phase this blog didn't really have a place.

See, I guess I've never really done blogging the "right" way. I started it pre-surge, never really wanted it to be a career path, didn't network intensively and didn't hire a photographer to shoot multiple outfits in one go. As I got older, although this blog obviously does still centre around me, I've found it more and more of an uncomfortable subject, and don't get me started on the being in photos part. I've doing a lot of thinking, which I know can be a dangerous pastime, and I'm starting to reconsider what I think are the important parts of blogging part time. Instead of making sure there's fresh new content weekly, it's about time I let myself slip a little and think it's ok to let things lie low once in a while. Additionally, until I feel ok with having photos of myself on here again, it's time to dust off the camera and start being behind the lens properly.

If 2017's set to be a good one, then I full on plan to take it by the balls and prioritise the important stuff, meaning that there might not be hundreds of new posts but there will be little updates popping up here and there. Soz if you were after a post about how to wear blogger trends or fashion blogger hacks, but I guess that's just another example of crap blogging and feel free to keep reading for some more. Who knows, you might not get learn the angles to take a fire selfie, but you might have a laugh and we both know which is more fun.


Blogging full circle.

Pink customised jumper | www.itscohen.co.uk
PDBae jumper | www.itscohen.co.uk
clothes2order | www.itscohen.co.uk
Manchester fashion bloggers | www.itscohen.co.uk
clothes2order sweatshirt | www.itscohen.co.uk


It's been a while.

When I first started blogging my outfits "properly", i.e. not on my laptop camera, all I required was a flat surface/low wall and my point and shoot camera's self-timer function. Since then, I've been pretty good at coercing or full on bribing people into taking the occasional photo, meaning those ten repositioning yourself seconds haven't happened for a while. Safe to say, I'm rusty at this malarky so there were plenty of outtakes. It's also a hell of a lot harder when there's a 50mm lens involved and your tripod is a precarious stack of boxes on a dining room chair, but that's the glamorous life of the fusshun blogger.

I know the obvious solution to dropping one of the most expensive items you own on the floor from the height of about 20 shoeboxes would be to arrange to meet up with a photographer. I know a lot of bloggers do this; it's good for both parties, and means you have fire content for your blog, other than the slightly out of focus photos you see above. But does that prospect make anyone other than me want to sort of shrivel up and die inside a little? I'm no model (cringe), look like a turd most days and there's no way I'd be able to pay, so realistically it's a waste of time, surely?

It's weird how so much has changed since I last used self-timer. Of course this goes without saying; from final year uni student to mid-level full-time employment, the only things that've stayed with me are my terrible repertoire of jokes, quite a few split ends, and me occasionally uploading something to this blog. There was that bit a couple of years ago where I uploaded so frequently because I thought that would be a Magic Formula for Something (who knows what?). But it's quite nice for things to come full circle: taking things back home, making things a little bit more personal, less polished, and just a bit simpler.

Also, it's really, really hard to take a decent photo of your back.

What I wore.

What's on Insta.


Brit project.

Manchester fashion blogger | www.itscohen.co.uk
Nike Thea Trainers | www.itscohen.co.uk
Brit Project Manchester | www.itscohen.co.uk
Nike Thea JD Sports | www.itscohen.co.uk
Warehouse silk blouse | www.itscohen.co.uk
Olivia Burton personalised watch | www.itscohen.co.uk
Manchester fashion bloggers | www.itscohen.co.uk

Sundays in Manchester.

Aaaaaaaand breathe. If you're anything like any of the people I've spoken to in the past couple of days, your week's been a shocker. Inevitably it's the oh-crap-it's-October-how-did-that-happen panic setting in, along with a whole load of other Q4 feels, but there's definitely something other than pumpkin spice particles in the air.

Despite this (by which I mean, if we casually brush stress under a carpet), it's been a good start of month for me. I managed to catch up with old colleagues, school friends and new Manchester pals all in one weekend. Pity my bank balance, but we'll ignore that for a little longer. After the hazy beginning of a weekend in London, I was back in Manchester for a chilled Sunday. And, if I do say so myself, it passed pretty perfectly.

If there's one thing I've learnt since moving here, Manchester does Sunday very, very well. Or rather, it does recovery better than any city I've lived in; everything closed on a Sunday Munich was not best when I had a habit of going to the atomic cafe and not having the foresight to get food in... nightmare. Pretty much every place in the Northern Quarter and Deansgate does a killer brunch, and if your stomach's up for it you've got plenty of Sunday roast options too. 

With a lingering hangover tiredness from Friday, Laura, Clare and I headed to Hawksmoor for one of the best roasts I've had since moving here. Can I get those potatoes on tap, pls? Yes, it's not the cheapest, but for a score you get a Yorkshire the size of your face and refills on gravy. Photo below!

We headed back home via Spinningfields, where we managed to get some outfit snaps without any awkward reflections in the glass buildings - hurrah! Note my lack of expandable waistline, and see my main error. A couple of weeks back the babes at JD Sports got in touch and asked if I wanted to go to Brit Project, and they set me up with these beaut Nike Theas to wear on the night. I'm generally an Adidas girl through and through (other than my gym shoes), but my Superstars are getting a well deserved rest for a bit as I wear the new loves of my life in. Brit Project was a beaut way to spend the evening. I haven't been to a gig for a while, and it's always good to dust your dancing shoes off every once in a while - particularly when you can get there direct from yours on the tram, hollaaa.

If you've made it through this disjointed blog post thus far, congratulate yourself with a metaphorical gold star and a roast potato or five. This girl's done too much exercise today in preparation for another roast, and is falling asleep at her lapto.........

What I Wore.

Where We Went.

What's on Insta.

A photo posted by Rebecca 😈 (@rebeccacohen_) on


Playing it cool on the set of Harry Potter.

Harry Potter set guide, Durham Cathedral | www.itscohen.co.uk
Visiting Durham Cathedral | www.itscohen.co.uk
Durham city gif | www.itscohen.co.uk
Durham Cathedral Celtic cross | www.itscohen.co.uk
Durham Cathedral face door knocker | www.itscohen.co.uk
Durham Cathedral, Harry Potter | www.itscohen.co.uk
Leonards Coffee House, Durham | www.itscohen.co.uk
Lunch in Durham at Leonard's | www.itscohen.co.uk

Visiting Durham

Do you ever get it in your head that you're going to love a place, despite never having visited? Well, I did. I've been internally bigging up Durham for a long ol' time, and when I got wind of my pal Clarity moving there, it was only a matter of time before I'd booked myself some train tickets and was on my way up. I'm not even sure why I'd wanted to go for so long, as it's not like it's been repeatedly talked about online (yeah, you guys have massively killed any want to head to Brighton again, can you stop now?), and barely gets any mentions by my friends. I'm just going to assume that it's down to how much I like York, and just thinking it's an even further North version of that.

Thankfully, Durham lived up to my expectations, and then some.

Okay, okay, the weather's just as bad as it is in Manchester, but as my hair is now in a permanent state of frizzy, I was more than happy to wander from the train station down into town and head straight out for lunch. Clarity recommended a place called Leonard's Coffee House, and boy do they do a decent toasted sandwich. I mean, nothing will come between me and my love for Northern Soul's grilled cheese sandwiches (nothing, I swear), but this sarnie is moving its way up on my List of Sandwiches I Need to Master.

We then headed onwards and upwards to the Cathedral. Even if half of it is currently covered in scaffolding - damn you unphotogenic renovations - it's still pretty impressive, dominating the Durham skyline. Of course, I lost my shit when I recognised bits from the Harry Potter films, so got myself a cheesy lil snap "on set". Don't even try to pretend you wouldn't too.

I've got another post coming up on my second day of visiting Durham too (been storing these up for a while), so keep an eye out if you're a fan of cream teas and peonies like every single blogger out there. Hardly surprising I've been a bit absent from the internet when I've had to deal with such cliché delights, is it?

Where we went

What's on Insta


Hello, I'm Rebecca: social media exec, new-ish coffee drinker and loafer-wearer.
Want to get in touch? Email me.
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