City vs country: tale as old as time, etc. etc. When I was teeny tiny, we lived on a road where one end had a park and the other had a golf course, but was a 20 minute walk from the nearest tube stop. Then we moved to the arse end of nowhere a hamlet which had three pubs and no shops. Following that, I moved to Liverpool for university, then my family moved to the edge of a small town, I upped sticks to Munich for a bit (lol) and now I've settled in Manchester for a year and a half. All the above shows when I started to get a bit bored of writing out my life story but also illustrates how I tend to navigate towards cities rather than the countryside.
I find that there's a distinct difference between northern cities and their southern counterparts. Trust me, I love Cambridge, Oxford and Brighton just as much as your average girl, but when you start to edge past Birmingham the pretensions edge off, just that slightly. Where you wear your city as a badge of honour, much like a family crest of arms, when you pay your half a mil for a house in the home counties, there's still pride in Manchester, Leeds, et al., but the badge is more a tarnished pin badge, worn on your lapel among your other loves (probs the Stone Roses). It's just a bit more understated, and people seem to shout about it less. It's taken for granted that you live in the greatest place in the world, so there's no need to text in to the Metro and go on about it.
Anyway, as I'm coming to the v real conclusion that I'm going to stay in Manchester for the next few years for real, this is making me think about the other northern cities I need to get to know better. The above photos illustrate Liverpool (which I definitely don't need to walk any more, but know I'll be back anyway), but I plan on adding Newcastle, Halifax, Harrogate and Hull to my 'places I've been' list before long.
With that waffle over and done with, I'm going to get out of my pyjamas and do something with my Sunday. And yes, that does mean eating a lot.
What I Wore
The Kooples leather jacket. The Last Shadow Puppets tee: £20. Carven shorts: £69 (on sale, similar but cheaper). Claudie Pierlot boots: £172 (on sale). Marks and Spencer bag: £42 (on sale, I see a theme...).