eBay blanket cape: £19.99. Rust playsuit: c/o lessthantenpounds.com. Karen Millen boots: £25, sample sale. Mac "Ravishing" lipstick.
Could you be any more cliché? I may be minus the red cup and faux fur hat, but this girl loves a theme. If there's one theme that keeps cropping up when I think about this blog, poor segway aside, I sometimes (read: quite a lot of the time) wonder whether there's much point of keeping this blog going; I don't have the best photos, don't really 'know my angles', only just about keep blogging regularly and weep a little bit every time the mail app starts on my laptop. Yet I know there will always be that "what if?" part of me (and that "you better not bloody give up, you weakling" part of me) which pushes me forwards a little bit longer. I try new ways to take photos, and hope to have improved just a little from last year and the year before. I try new things, even if it's simply adding a bit of information about where the photos were taken or adding in more lifestyle elements. And, possibly most importantly, I try to pop something up I'd like to read myself. Whether it's four paragraphs cracking jokes about dressing like Blair Waldorf or a set of photos that are so tumblr it makes me feel a little queasy, I do hope there's a little something to make you smile. Even if I'm not able to produce a pumpkin spiced latte. Which are disgusting, imo.