I heard there was a secret chord.

Asos necklace dress: £36. French Connection heels: gift (old). Pandora bracelet. Topshop Really Ruby lipstick and Becca Hotel California lipgloss. Essie Lapiz of Luxury nail varnish.

As I drink out of the scouser ware mug I picked up when in the North West earlier this month, I can't help but think that a lot can happen in three weeks. I mean, I've had a few bruises develop and also lost an eyebrow brush (guess which of the two I think is more tragic), but my friend Beth got married and jetted off on honeymoon, returning a brand new lady. I think we both know which one of us has experienced more life-changing occurrences, but it was an honour to be invited up to the beautiful Chester to celebrate one of my Liverpool ladies tying the knot. We all went through pretty rough patches at university, (I'd recommend freshers watching Corrie's video, if you've got any sober time to spare!) and I'm honesty so happy that Beth found her mister during the course of it, and you couldn't hope for a happier and more beautiful bride - I think my jaw still aches from so much smiling in a short space of time.

I couldn't help but buy something special for the occasion, and this asos dress spoke to me through my screen at work inbetween the quips about parkas and that Taylor Swift song being played incessantly on the radio. Maybe it reveals all those meal deals I've been indulging in at lunch recently, but other than that I think it looks okay on, and I love the open back and little necklace detail meaning I didn't have to bother lugging any more stuff up with me - perfect! Now, I'm just off to celebrate being single with my pal Danielle then get myself to the gym and undo that packet of Kettle crisps.

I bet that Juliet was just the icing on the cake.

Asos bardot top: £10. Dorothy Perkins floral midi skirt: via House of Fraser. The Kooples leather jacket. Vintage patent bag: 20p. Bally chelsea boots: £8, via charity shop.

Southend is one of those places I tend to forget how much I love till I visit again. Although it offers a pretty good Monday night out, it's probably more famous for its pier, Adventure Island and Rossi's ice cream - nothing beats it! My mum and I popped over a couple of weekends ago on a whim and treated ourselves to a stroll along the estuary and, of course!, some fish and chips at the end of the day. There's nothing quite like a trip to the seaside to lift your spirits, and I just couldn't help but make the most of the day trip by taking some outfit photos, even if I do look rather windswept. Even though I'm no queen of the bardot neckline Dunya, I've found myself drawn to the shape quite a lot recently, and I snapped up this bargain top for a tenner on asos. Are you a fan of the trend?

Today has been considerably less cute, and I'm currently sat nursing a rather persistent hangover which even a trip to Nando's hasn't seemed to fix. I'm about to make my first cup of tea of the day to try and ward it off before settling down to catch up with blogs and youtube to round off the weekend - happy Sunday!

And now I'm falling.

Mustard knit jumper: c/o Vero Moda. Vintage tartan skirt: £8. Bally chelsea boots: £8, via charity shop. Urban Outfitters hat: £12. Vintage patent bag: 20p. Essie Sunday Funday nail polish.

An article in the Metro about a new TV series called "Oh you pretty things" got me thinking (and, let's be honest that doesn't happen all that often when I'm up at 6.30) about how much music and fashion overlap. Apart from the incredibly worn band tees I've picked up from various gigs over the years acting like a little badge of honour, my influences are worn in a more subtle way, and a listen to a new band or an old favourite can often end up influencing my choice of outfit the next morning. I immediately associate Oasis with parkas, Babyshambles with fedoras, Florence with long, flowing dresses, and the Vaccines with bomber jackets. For some reason, this cosy little Vero Moda jumper paired with a tartan skirt and a centre parting makes me think of Haim and would be perfect for doing the Destiny's Child dance in, or maybe that's just me..? Now the aim's to look as good as Debbie Harry in a black slip dress and a slick of red lipstick!

Ironically enough, this weekend has actually involved dancing like we're in music videos (just not Anaconda) as I've spent it with friends in various bars over London and catching up on some of that precious thing I used to get quite a lot (you know, sleep). You may have noticed that I'm blogging less frequently than I used to, which comes as an unfortunate side effect of too busy to photograph anything, but you can find me on instagram and twitter for those inbetween days when you fancy a little splash of coco.

Hello, I'm Rebecca: social media exec, new-ish coffee drinker and loafer-wearer.
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