Don Valley Bowl Arctic Monkeys t-shirt: £20. The Kooples leather jacket. American Apparel corduroy circle skirt: £15, via ebay. Burgundy cut-out boots: c/o Ark. Marks and Spencer shoulder bag: £43. Rotary watch: gift. Charity shop leather belt: 20p. Charity shop faux fur scarf: £1. Superdry "electric pink" lipstick. Essie "eternal optimist" nail varnish.
Photos by Carmen.
I would put very good money on this being my most worn outfit. As far as pay per wear goes, every item I'm wearing must be in the pennies region, and I know that the boots will soon be heading that way too. When people praise a celebrity for "recycling" clothing, I do wonder what that social media executive thinks is normal, as, come on guys, they washed it and wore it again like every normal person. Unless you're Chris Brown. I don't know what it is about this skirt which makes it so wearable, but I find that it's quite a flattering shape for my hourglass figure, although I may have to retire it soon as it's so bloody short. The leather jacket goes without saying, really. I bought it as a finishing university present, and despite it being the most expensive thing I've ever bought I don't regret it in the slightest as it's become a wardrobe staple that I grab every time when I'm rushing out to catch the u bahn to work. As for the top, you might have heard that I like this little sheffield band called the Death Ramps? I've seen them five times now, and purchased this Arctic Monkeys t-shirt (my second) at their homecoming gig a few years ago and it's lasted pretty well considering how many countries it's been to, festivals I've survived, and times it's been in the wash. Here's hoping the bobble hat I got at Earl's Court lasts as long!