Pizza and Prints.

HM William Morris Collabroation |
William Morris HM Skirt |
Rudys Pizza Ancoats |
Alopecia Areata Blog |
Clare Potts |
HM William Morris Skirt |
iliketweets |
William Morris HM Collaboration |

Rudy's Pizza, Ancoats

Complete disclaimer here: on Friday I got acrylic nails for the first time, so I needed to find an excuse to practice typing before I go back to the office. I thought I might as well make this time for something productive. So, enjoy.

If you've been reading this ol' blog for a while, you'll be well aware that I'm into my prints. Way back when, I wrote my dissertation all about how Dante Rossetti combined the arts and written word so to mix clothing and prints I love is right up my street. Of course, I get all my William Morris news from Jazmine (who doesn't?), so was well aware when the new William Morris x HM collaboration would drop, and that meant I headed straight to H+M after work to pick up a few pieces - this beautiful skirt included.

I'm not particularly a pleated skirt person - they're not the most flattering of pieces when you're not completely flat up and down, let's be real - but I decided to throw all caution to the wind and add this to my collection, as I am wild. It would look a lot better in situ at the William Morris Gallery in Walthamstow, however I'm more than happy to style it in Ancoats, as there's pizza around the corner.

The elasticated waistband came in very useful as Clare and I headed to Rudy's Pizza in Ancoats for a load of pizza. We cheated the system and didn't have to queue by going at lunchtime (there's a first time for everything), and enjoyed all the carbs while Clare's newest best pal Eva napped next to us, judging when she saw how much we'd eaten once she'd woken up. I think Eva was pretty taken with my newest wardrobe addition (lots of movement, lots of contrast), so it's got a thumbs up IMO.

Have you tried any of the new collab, or is it not your thing? I know it's a bit "much", but I'm enjoying seeing how people are styling all the different pieces on Instagram.

PS, not the most insightful of posts today, however I'm watching the Jeffree Starr x Shane videos whilst typing up, so very much distracted.

What I'm Wearing.

William Morris x HM Skirt. M&S Top. The Kooples Leather Jacket. And Other Stories Boots.


Wrap star.

How to wear a gingham wrap dress, Boohoo |
Bohoo gingham wrap dress |
Manchester fashion bloggers |
Public Desire studded ankle boots |

Layering Gingham Wrap Dresses

This outfit has a lot going on. We're talking ruffles, a tie waist, studs, gingham, even a coffee cup from Foundation (although that's not really the fundamental part of the outfit, just a fundamental part of my day). The guys at boohoo popped a surprise dress in the post, so when I unwrapped it and saw something I probably wouldn't purchase from an ecom shot, I thought this was the perfect opportunity to work out how to wear gingham wrap dresses my way. It's really bloody short (for reference, I'm 5'4" and there's no way I could wear this without something on my lower half, so tall ladies probs ought to steer clear), so unearthed an old pair of black skinnies when I went home to Essex to layer underneath as a decency saving exercise. Add in my new current obsession (white boots, who knew?), and you've got yourself an extra monochrome outfit.

Other than the outfit, I've also got a lot going on IRL. And I'm not talking about how many episodes of Gossip Girl I've been binge watching in the last month, although it is quite impressive. I'm moving house and starting a new job on Monday. My stress levels are through the roof so apologies to anyone who's seen me in the last month, 'cause I've either been short-tempered or drunk (everyone has their own coping mechanisms, right?). They say those are two of the most stressful things you can do, so talking from experience I would definitely advise against doing both of them within four days of each other. But everything's starting to sort themselves out and, fingers crossed, things will all come up Cohen by the end of the year - we can hope!

What I'm Wearing.

Gingham wrap dress: c/o Boohoo. Oasis cropped jeans. Public Desire studded boots (sold out, similar here). Urban Outfitters bag.

What's on Insta.

A post shared by Rebecca ๐Ÿ˜ˆ (@rebeccacohen_) on

I didn't forget, I swear.

Manchester fashion blogger |
Manchester city centre photos |
Manchester northern quarter graffiti |
Oasis skinny jeans |
Foundation coffee northern quarter |
Manchester fashion bloggers |
Primark blue leather jacket |

Throwback Sunday

You know that friend you meet up with and you sit there trying to work out how long it's been since you last saw them, and then you get that guilty "oh crap, it was a lot longer ago that I thought" moment? Well, I'd like to introduce you to some photos from mid-May, which I will gloriously throwback with just a mere five months later. Whoops.

In all honesty, not that much has changed since, other than I wear a lot more bronzer because I look a lot like death in these photos. I also had to throw these jeans away as unfortunately skinny jeans and Laura's mini cooper do not a good match make. Otherwise, the last five months have been spent in equal amounts going to the gym and eating cheese, and having your standard mid-twenties crisis. You only need to scroll through Refinery29 for 10 minutes to find out that you're "not alone" and you're "doing just fine", but that's never going to stop a lil bit of doubt creeping in every once in a while. It's been a hard few months for me, with a lot going on. But, and here is your cheesy morale alert, there really is just something in paying attention to the little things and focusing on small bits that will see you through. Namely, not long until we can start talking about pigs in blankets - hurrah!

With all that in mind, this weekend is being spent with family, taking some much needed time out and heading back to Essex with white boots instead of white stilettos in my weekend bag. Might even burn a basic pumpkin scented candle, who know how crazy things will get?

What I Wore.

Primark leather jacket: £10. Arctic Monkeys top: £20. Oasis skinny jeans. Claudie Pierlot chelsea boots. Marks and Spencer bag: £43. Urban Outfitters sunglasses.

Where I went.


My current favourite outfit.

Warehouse culottes jumpsuit |
How to wear a culottes jumpsuit |
Manchester fashion blog |
Manchester fashion blogger |


Is it just me, or has this week lasted a lifetime? Clocking out on Friday felt like a long time coming, and this three day weekend is very welcome indeed!

After a few glasses of prosecco and, um, a jaegerbomb on Friday night, waking up on Saturday morning was a pretty slow affair. After what felt like some v rusty cogs started moving again (aka I made myself a brew), I met up with Kate to check out the Manchester Pride parade in the surprisingly glorious sunshine. I'm not entirely sure how I missed it last year as it's bloody big enough, but there is something about watching everyone come together and just be happy that left me with a smile on my face. It was definitely a vibe.

Afterwards, we headed to Grub and I was overwhelmed with happiness (again, what a Saturday) with the food options available. I'd only been on the vegan day before, so went for new-to-me Press de Cuba's sandwich and we shared some Fat Annie's redneck fries, i.e. fries covered in bacon and cheese, all washed down with some local cider. It's safe to say that I was in a very happy place.

I asked Kate to snap some photos of what I was wearing, as it's been almost a year since this jumpsuit graced this little blog even though I wear it at least once a fortnight. I'm generally one for an occasion dress, but when I picked this up last year I quickly found myself converted to the jumpsuit cause, and am trying to work out how much I'd wear the pink option if I added that one to my wardrobe too... I've lost the belt tie to the depths of my wardrobe somewhere so wear it without, but the panelling is super flattering, and I love wearing it layered with both blouses as pictured here and turtle and polo neck tops too. I do feel like I'm stuck in something of a style rut, so it's nice to have something to fall back on that I love, and think it looks ok on too!

I'm not entirely sure where the rest of the weekend will take me personally, but I do hope all of you have a good one - whether it's planned or not!

What I Wore

Warehouse culottes jumpsuit (I'm also eyeing up the pink one). Warehouse silk shirt (sold out, but similar here). Claudie Pierlot studded chelsea boots (sold out, but similar here). Urban Outfitters sunglasses.

This is a collaborative post.

Get outta town.

Houses in Didsbury, Manchester |
Manchester fashion bloggers |
Tangled up in Blooms, Manchester Florist |
Manchester fashion blog |
New Look bee embroidered shirt jacket |
Ye Olde Cock Inn, Didsbury, Manchester |
Didsbury, Manchester |
Manchester fashion blogger |

Houses in Didsbury, Manchester

When you're done spritzing that anti-pollution toner all over your face (guilty), it's an idea to jump on a tram and head out of town, even if just for a day. And that's exactly what Tori and I did. We explored Burton Road and Didsbury in South Manchester for an entire Saturday, and walked a very long way in the process! I could wax lyrical about how much I like the area, but I'll let the 'grams do the talking, and ice cream recommending. ๐Ÿ‘‡ Of course I shoved my camera into Tori's hands to take some photos in front of the beautiful houses in Didsbury, so apologies for publishing more photos of my ugly mug. Feel free to scroll on by. If you know of any more Manchester districts I need to see, then definitely comment below as I'm always on the lookout for more recommendations.

In what would appear to be my monthly "how stressed is Rebecca Cohen this time?" update, this week's not been totally great on the chill factor, but I'm feeling rather positive about the week coming up. I'm heading down to London for a shoot tonight, then hopefully will have a full week in Manchester rather than heading halfway across the country multiple times. Since my last blog post, I've done rather a lot: from heading to London and back in an evening for an awards event, to shooting with Olivia Buckland and Megan McKenna, to We Are FSTVL, to going to Dublin, it's been more than a little non-stop and the bags under my eyes are very evident to prove it. I'm looking forward to chilling with Clare, Laura and Kate over a gin this afternoon, and I hope your Sunday is just as peaceful.

Of course, as someone who's made Manchester my home over the last 17 months, the last few weeks have been very testing. Everyone grieves differently, and as someone who chose Manchester as my home and has only been welcomed, I can only say that the love shown to me has been manifest throughout the city. I've never seen community spirit like it in the face of extreme tragedy, but the city's still a hive of activity and creativity. And the bees still buzz.

What I Wore

The Kooples leather jacket. New Look bee embroidered shirt. And Other Stories jeans (similar). Collective tee. Primark fishnet socks. Adidas Superstars.

What's on Insta

A post shared by Rebecca ๐Ÿ˜ˆ (@rebeccacohen_) on

Old Wellington.

Manchester fashion blogger |
Public Desire silver shoes |
Manchester bloggers |
Manchester blogger |
Manchester Cathedral cherry blossom |
Manchester Cathedral in spring |
Manchester fashion bloggers |

Cherry Blossom in Manchester.

If there's one thing that the North does well, it's a roast. So when Clare got in touch to mention that the folks at Nicholson's were asking her to review the Old Wellington, Laura, Kate and I were on it before you could say roast potato. 

I've been past the Old Wellington countless times as it was on my walk to work on my old commute (more on that later), but had never stopped off to try it out. Let's be honest here, the beer gardens outside have a bit of a rep, particularly on match day, but once you step inside it's a beautiful old british pub and the food menu matches your expectations. It may have been the hottest day of the year so far, but that didn't stop me going for the yorkshires. Despite it not being wholly weather appropriate, it was still bloody fantastic and I'd be more than happy to head back when the temperatures drop back down again.

Located right next to the Cathedral, we took the opportunity to be as clichรฉ as possible and take a few photos before the cherry blossom ended up completely on the floor. Who could resist, eh?

As you know, cherry blossom season is pretty much behind us, giving way to wisteria hysteria (because, you know, why shouldn't it have its own hashtag?). There's no point even apologising for the infrequent posting any more as apparently this is becoming more of a monthly thing, rather than weekly. I started a new job just after my last blog post, and things have stepped up a bit. The hours are longer and there's more out of hours work. That combined with my hospital treatment means that this hobby's taking much more of a backseat so I can concentrate on my career and making sure that I'm having a little screen-free time too. But after a lovely weekend, I thought it was about time to settle down with a cuppa and Miss Congeniality 2, and finally get round to editing the photos from a few weeks back. After all, better late than never.

What I Wore.

Vintage Levi's jacket: gift, but similar. Brandy Melville tee: £17. Vintage suede skirt: £7, Oxfam. Public Desire shoes: sold out :( M&S bag.

What's On Insta.


With bubbles.

Manchester Bloggers | It's Cohen Blog
Champagne Brunch in Manchester | It's Cohen Blog
Cรดte Brasserie Brunch | It's Cohen Blog
Cรดte Brasserie Manchester | It's Cohen Blog
French Breakfast at Cรดte Brasserie | It's Cohen Blog
Manchester Fashion Bloggers | It's Cohen Blog
The Manchester Florist | It's Cohen Blog

Brunching at Cote Brasserie.

Last minute Mother's Day plans need to be made stat? Get some bubbles involved.

Last weekend, we were invited to try the Cรดte Brasserie brunch menu, and it'd make for the perfect morning indulgence for you and your mum tomorrow. I headed along with Laura, and met Stacey and Meg at the Cรดte Brasserie just off Deansgate, meaning it's super central and the perfect location just a little away from the shops. I tried the "french breakfast" rather than a classic full english, which swapped toast for brioche and black pudding for boudin noir which tastes a bit lighter and is going some way to getting me on the black pudding wagon. At under a tenner, there's definitely a little room to splash out on something sparkling, and we were lucky enough to receive a glass of champagne too - well, it's 5pm somewhere, right? The lovely ladies at the Manchester Florist also treated us to a little bouquet of carnations and tulips, who are now sitting pretty in my living room.

For Mother's Day IRL, I'm heading home for a long weekend. After writing this post, I'll be going straight to Piccadilly and spending the evening with Jazmine, before battling rail replacement buses (woe is me) to get home to Essex. I haven't made any specific plans as of yet, but a slow weekend is definitely on the cards! Yesterday was my last day working at Public Desire, so a little rest and relaxation is my plan of (in)action before starting my new job next week. It's all a bit of a change and I'm definitely nervous, but I've missed chatting about clothes every day, (and I still get to talk shoes too). Wish me luck!

What I Wore.

Uniqlo coat. Aubin and Wills striped top. Missy Empire jeans (fit big, size down). Adidas Superstars.

What's On Insta.

A post shared by Rebecca ๐Ÿ˜ˆ (@rebeccacohen_) on

A day off.

This post contains sponsored content from LionsHome.

Taking Time Out.

I am notoriously bad at doing nothing. I'm in the 1% of people who hasn't bothered getting a Netflix subscription 'cause this gal ain't got time for that. Instead, I tend to head out and do something (anything) to make sure that it's not a day "wasted". Whether it's heading to the gym or going out to a coffee shop to catch up reading the Times over something with a fair few ounces of caffeine in it, it's rare you'll find me at home. However, a couple of weeks back I took the day off work to do just that.

Waking late, I took the opportunity to start slow and poach some eggs while the kettle boiled. The daffodils bought a week previously had started to bloom, and served myself brunch (because you definitely can't call a 11.30 meal breakfast) while things outside were weirdly quiet. It's amazing what smokey eyes you can create when you're not against the clock, so make up did I headed out into town for a mooch and then sit down in Foundation with a coffee for an hour or so, before making the trip back home and cooking chicken pie for dinner. That evening involved watching Easy A, hot chocolate and candles, to fully live out the basic bitch life I'd always dreamed of. And you know what? It was great.

Who knew doing nothing could take up so much time?

If you're into your doing nowt, then definitely let me know your favourite ways to pass the time. Because, until next time, here I'll be constantly doing stuff. brb, going out.

What I Wore.

Uniqlo coat. And Other Stories tee. And Other Stories kick flare jeans (new season version). Urban Outfitters bag. Tatty Devine necklace. Zara faux fur loafers (similar).

What's On Insta.

A post shared by Rebecca ๐Ÿ˜ˆ (@rebeccacohen_) on

Hello, I'm Rebecca: social media exec, new-ish coffee drinker and loafer-wearer.
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