Country Girl

Red checked shirt: £2, charity shop. Denim circle skirt: £28.50, American Apparel via ASOS. Leather belt: 20p, charity shop. Bag: gift, vintage. Chelsea boots: £60, Topshop. Collar necklace: £3, Miss Selfridge. Black and clear stone ring: £1.25, charity shop. Isis stud ring: c/o Rock 'N Rose.

Love climbing in brambles and being caught out by the self-timer as I try to disentangle myself from their thorns. Primark's finest tights are now lying crumpled in my bin.

Home's been wonderful so far; from catching up with friends that didn't go to "big school",  to house parties followed by blaring spice girls out of the car window on the way home the next day. I was also lucky enough to be invited to the Motel Rocks Spring party, which meant I could spend the evening with some cool chicks pretending to be chill (an image immediately discarded the moment I knock hangers off rails, or something equally embarrassing). The lovely lady from Rock 'N Rose was there, and I was able to take this spiky ring away with me. I have been a punk ever since. And I'm angry. About stuff. All the stuff. So here I am, dressed like an impractical cowgirl, to prove it.


Rebecca Cohen | Rebecca Cohen

Lazing on a sunny afternoon

Floral t-shirt: £27, Mary Katrantzou for Topshop. Printed floral trousers: £12.99, H+M. Black two-tone pumps: 50p (!!), Russell and Bromley via ebay. Masquerade necklace: £9, elsie belle. Watch: gift, Rotary.

Isn't sitting by the side of the canal in the sunshine the perfect way to wile away the hours? Serendipitously just like Cat in her latest post! I first found this area at the very beginning of my second year, and have wanted to return for ever such a long time, but just haven't had a lack of deadlines or reading to truly justify a walk for the sake of walking. However, the glorious sunshine called for ridiculous, garish prints, and the Kinks in my ears. I do love these trousers, even if they're something I would never have considered wearing before I saw Jazmine's entry for the Asos future stylist competition. When I'm filling out questionnaires and am asked "where do you look for fashion inspiration?" I, without hesitation, answer with both friends and blogs. Vogue can bore off, comparatively.

My suitcase is pretty much packed for my return home tomorrow. I don't know how I manage to ensure I'm so busy whenever I'm back, but within an hour of touching down at home, I'm already meant to be at a friend's to get ready to go out (happy twentieth birthday Chantelle!). Back to pro plus habits, I fear. I expect to see lots of burn marks in the grass of local parks (disposable barbecues, all the way), and I hope you're all applying your SPF 30 just like me!


Rebecca Cohen | Rebecca Cohen

But keep pretending to dance

Dress: River Island (old). Cardigan: mum's. Necklace: DIY. Chelsea boots: £60, Topshop. Bracelet: gift, H Samuels. Bag: £3, Prada(? it probably is, in the place I live it's common for 5 y/o's to have iPhones) via Remus horse sanctuary.

This has always been one of my favourite dresses, but I don't wear it all too often as I'm not a fan of sleeveless tops. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to publish these photos, but here they are! Still, the ric rac and navy is a winning combination in my eyes. I also had a go at a french plait headband, and I think I didn't do too bad a job for a first-timer.

These photos were taken on Saturday, AKA St Patrick's Day; did you do anything special to celebrate? I probably have some Irish blood in me (I'm pale enough, but who really needs an excuse?), so went out with a few friends and spent an amazing £2 in total. Love the North. The rest of the week has been decidedly less interesting; writing about the Gothic elements of Romantic texts on the stupid library computers, getting Easter-themed cupcakes in Cuthbert's, and wandering round Liverpool in the sun. Not long until I'm cooped up writing my Renaissance essay, but I think tonight calls for hot chocolate and a DVD - I'm thinking Amelie.


Rebecca Cohen | Rebecca Cohen

Hello, I'm Rebecca: social media exec, new-ish coffee drinker and loafer-wearer.
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